Open Mic & Showcase Performers
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= Music samples available for download
Performer / Band Name

Morgan South

Music Style / Genre Rock, Pop, Funk, Folk, Country, Emo, Soul
Original / Cover Material 10% Original Material
Musical Influences James Blunt, Burning Peace, Monique Jade, Kelly Clarkson, Panic! at the Disco, James Cavanaugh & Company, Shakira, Franz Ferdinand, Collective Soul, Cowboy Junkies, Amber Rubarth, David Bowie, and pretty much anyone with a kick-ass voice and instrument. :o)
History of Performer / Band

Natural ear for music. Has performed with school choirs and family singing events. Started piano and vocal lessons at age 8 (turning 16 in Feb. 2007). Loves to create new harmony arrangements for songs.
"I've always love to sing, but I only got really interrested in performing my hobby when I was about 10 or 11. I've always been pretty shy on stage, but I'm getting better at it now. I started to learn to play my new pink, flying-V ukulele, but I'm more interrested in learning the guitar."

Press Reviews / Credits


Albums / Where Available I havn't any albums except for the x-mas album which is way dorky. I write songs but just never like them so I don't use them. I prefer to do versions of cover songs as an alternative.


I love music, art, sketching (which is art), and meeting new people-hangin' out with friends.

Often performs with her dad and her siblings Zach & Topher.


This document was last modified on Sunday, 24-Oct-2021 01:08:09 MST